Today we will inform you in full:

We meet with you and fix all your wishes. We take measurements, calculate the amount of work, specify who and how many will live in the premises, hobbies and interests of all family members. Such a meeting ends with a commercial offer for the price and terms.

◭ Planning.
We actively discuss the details and wishes. A sketch, drawings and layouts are being created. A plan for the placement of furniture, electrical wiring, type of flooring, etc. is being developed.

We agree on the final version, then we will present sets of images. On them you can see a version of the upcoming design from several angles.

Development of technical documentation.
At this stage, a set of documentation is being prepared, which contains information about the dimensions, nodes, profiles of engineering networks, etc. Estimates are drawn up, which indicate the amount of materials needed.

Monitoring project implementation.
At this stage, the technical documentation is transferred to the construction team and work begins on the implementation of the project. The designer monitors the strict adherence to the plan: the choice of building materials, equipment, furniture, accessories, etc.

For cooperation:
+380 073 07 07 008